Monday, March 30, 2009

Just Pulp Fiction..

Some things Life Taught me ..

Hope you have the patience to read what i have to tell you..

1] I've learned that we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change.

2] I've learned that no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.

3] I've learned that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. The same goes for true love.

4] I've learned that you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life.

5] I've learned that it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.

6] I've learned that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.

7] I've learned that you can keep going long after you can't.

8] I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.

9] I've learned that either you control your attitude or it controls you.

10] I've learned that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades and there had better be something else to take its place.

11] I've learned that heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.

12] I've learned that money is a lousy way of keeping score.

13] I've learned that my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time.

14] I've learned that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down, will be the ones to help you get back up.

15] I've learned that sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.

16] I've learned that just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

17] I've learned that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had and what you've learned from them, and less to do with how many years you have lived.

18] I've learned that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.

19] I've learned that no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief.

20] I've learned that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.

21] I've learned that just because two people argue, it doesn't mean they don't love each other And just because they don't argue, it doesn't mean they do love each other.

22] I've learned that you shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret. It could change your life forever.

23] I've learned that two people can look at the same thing and see something totally different.

24] I've learned that your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don't even know you.

25] I've learned that even when you think you have no more to give, when a friend cries out to you you will find the strength to help.

26] I've learned that credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being.

27] I've learned that the people you care about most in life are sometimes taken from you too soon

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


1] Joke: Think before you flirt

A couple was invited to a swanky family masked fancy dress Halloween party.
The wife got a terrible headache and told her husband to go to the party alone.
He, being a devoted husband, protested, but she argued and said she was going to take some aspirin and go to bed and there was no need for his good time to be spoiled by not going.
So he took his costume and away he went. The wife, after sleeping soundly for about an hour, woke without pain and as it was still early, decided go to the party.
As her husband didn't know what her costume was, she thought she would have some fun by watching her husband to see how he acted when she was not with him. So she joined the party and soon spotted her husband in his costume, cavorting around on the dance floor, dancing with every nice "chick" he could .....

His wife went up to him and being a rather seductive babe herself, he left his new partner high and dry and devoted his time to her.
She let him go as far as he wished, naturally, since he was her husband.

After more drinks finally he whispered a little proposition in her ear and she agreed, so off they went to one of the cars and had passionate love in the back seat.
Just before unmasking at midnight, she slipped away and went home and put the costume away and got into bed, wondering what kind of explanation he would make up for his outrageous behavior.
She was sitting up reading when he came in, so she asked what kind of time he had. "Oh, the same old thing. You know I never have a good time when you're not there."
Then she asked, "Did you dance much?" He replied, "I'll tell you, I never even danced one dance. When I got there, I met Pete, Bill Brown and some other guys, so we went into the spare room and played poker all evening"
"You must have looked really silly wearing that costume playing poker all night!" she said with unashamed sarcasm.
To which the husband replied,

"Actually, I gave my costume to my Boss; apparently he had the time of his life.

Monday, March 23, 2009


1.You don’t know how to write in proper English. You use “ma” instead of “my”, “watevea” instead of “whatever” or “heLLo” instead of “Hello”. You put extra letters to a word. For example; “LiFE3” in lieu of “Life”. You prefer to use sms language on forums. Moreover, you think that it’s cool to write like this.

2.While browsing these sites, you send friend requests to girls and continuously check out their profiles. If they don’t accept it then also you keep on sending requests.

3.You try to use “Unlock Photo Albums Scripts” on the profiles of girls or your ex-lovers.

4.You just can’t complete your sentence without typing “Lolz”.

5.You send forward messages to your friends as scraps. For example; “Your mother will die if u don’t forward it to 10 people”, “I’ll sleep with your girlfriend if you don’t send it to 100 people”.

6.You’ve 200+ friends on Orkut but you don’t know half of them. Moreover, you don’t even talk to them. This is because you think that having 200+ friends makes you popular.

7.You have a fake profile to spy on your ex- girlfriend/ boyfriend.

8.You’re using a picture of Hannah Montana/Hilary Duff as your profile picture.

9.You don’t know your neighbor but you know about the latest games on Myspace.

10.You fight with people in communities and forums while in real life you don’t have the guts to say anything.

11.In real life, you say “LOL” in place of laughing.

HTML Free Code

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Talk to God

Wanna Repent for your Sins??

click here

Monday, March 16, 2009


Hello all .. So here's a bit of awareness creation effort from me ... Hope it works

Strange Buildings..

1.The Basket Building (United States)

2.The Piano House (China)

3.Kansas City Library (United States)

4.The Robot Building (Thailand)

5.The Blue Building (Netherlands)

6.The Astra House (Germany)

7.The Crooked House (Poland)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Funny Poems Found in Hostel Toilet...



Excellent poems by not so famous poets…

Found on toilet doors and walls…

A budding poet trying his best…

2.[Here I lie in stinky vapour,
Because some bastard stole the toilet paper,
Shall I lie, or shall I linger,
Or shall I be forced to use my finger.]

Before he graduated to be a poet, he wrote this…

3.[Here I sit
Broken hearted.
Tried to shit
But, only farted. ]

Someone who had a different experience wrote:

4.[You’re lucky
You had your chance
I tried to fart,
And shit my pants! ]

5.[Perhaps it’s true that people find inspiration in toilets.
I came here To shit and stink, But all I do Is sit and think.]

There are also people who come in for a different purpose…

6.[Some come here to sit and think.
Some come here to shit and stink.
But, I come
Here to scratch my balls ,
And read the bullshit on the walls…. ]

Toilet’s walls also double as job advertisement space… (written high upon the wall)

If you can piss above this line,

The Singapore Fire Department wants you.

Ministry of Environment advertisement.

We aim to please!
You aim too! Please

On the inside of a toilet door:

[Patrons are requested to remain seated throughout the entire performance.

And finally, this should teach some a lesson… Sign seen at a restaurant:

The hands that clean these toilets also make your food…please aim properly.]

## Indian James Bond Agencies. ---> 007 ##

Spy agencies of india...


IB= aka intelligence bureau..
working within india.

> Major activities are against terrorism and poviding inteligence.

> main reason for failure against terrorism T3500-odd field agents

operating in the entire country. Of these, many are engaged in

political intelligence.Thanks to our politicians...

RAW= aka Research and Analysis Wing..

working outside india

MAjor success are

> ELINT operations in Himalayas

> Creation of Bangladesh

> helped in india's first nuclear blast in 1974

> created Disturbances in Pakistan North-West Frontier Province, Waziristan

> Helped the Northern Alliance in afghanistan in defeting talibans.

> assisting the United States by providing intelligence on Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban's whereabouts.

WARNING: DO NOT Use a Cellphone Plugged in to House Current 120/220 Volts AC (or any volts for that matter!) While Recharging the Battery . Read why below...

A few days ago, a young man was recharging his cell phone at home.

While plugged into the wall, a call came into his phone, so he answered it without disconnecting the charger from the AC wall outlet.

After a few seconds electricity flowed into the cell phone unrestrained and the young man was thrown to the ground with a heavy thud.

His parents rushed to the room only to find him unconscious, with a weak heartbeat and burnt fingers.

He was rushed to a nearby hospital, but was pronounced D.O.A. Which means "DEAD On Arrival".

Cell phones are a very useful modern invention.

However, we must be aware that it can also be a dangerous instrument.

NEVER use the cell phone while it is hooked to the electrical outlet!


Original Titanic Ticket

This is a copy of the ticket of famous ship "Titanic".

The 15 Most Expensive Paintings in the World

Painting 1

Massacre of the Innocents by Peter Paul Rubens

In 2006, media mogul David Geffen sold Jackson Pollock's masterwork, No. 5 1948, for $140 million. This made Pollock's work the most expensive painting in modern history, leading a list of the world's most highly acclaimed artists. From Pollock to Picasso, Renoir to Van Gogh, famouse fine art fetches an other-wordly price on today's market. In celebration of their masterworks and the riches now behind them, here is a list of the 15 most expensive paintings in the world.

To round out this list, we've arranged these paintings by an adjusted price in 2008 dollars. The U.S. dollar has inflated quite a bit since 1987, when Van Gogh's Irises sold for $53.9 million. Today, that $53.9 million is worth roughly $102.3 million.

Painting 2

In 2006, media mogul David Geffen sold Jackson Pollock's masterwork, No. 5 1948, for $140 million. This made Pollock's work the most expensive painting in modern history, leading a list of the world's most highly acclaimed artists. From Pollock to Picasso, Renoir to Van Gogh, famouse fine art fetches an other-wordly price on today's market. In celebration of their masterworks and the riches now behind them, here is a list of the 15 most expensive paintings in the world.

To round out this list, we've arranged these paintings by an adjusted price in 2008 dollars. The U.S. dollar has inflated quite a bit since 1987, when Van Gogh's Irises sold for $53.9 million. Today, that $53.9 million is worth roughly $102.3 million

Painting 3

Yo, Picasso by Pablo Picasso

Picasso's 1901 self-portrait may not be his most instantly recognizable, but it certainly did capture a hefty price on the fine art market. Long before Picasso began experimenting with cubism and surrealism, his early oil works were equally as stunning. An interesting anecdote about Picasso– his full name is "Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruíz y Picasso". No joke. Artist: Pablo Picasso
Year: 1901
Year of Sale: 1989
Sale Price: $47.85 million
Currency Adjusted: $83.2 million.

Painting 4

A Wheatfield with Cypresses by Vincent Van Gogh

One of two Van Gogh landscapes in the top 15 is A Wheatfield by Cypresses, an idyllic nature scene with the artist's signature swirling skies. Wheatfield was owned by philanthropist/ diplomat Walter Annenberg until his death in 2002, and is now a part of his estate. Artist: Vincent Van Gogh
Year: 1889
Year of Sale: 1993
Sale Price: $57 million
Currency Adjusted: $85.1 million.

Painting 5

False Start by Jasper Johns

The lone contemporary piece in the top 15 was among a large collection of art sold by media mogul David Geffen in 2006. If you're like us, you might just be scratching your head about the pricetag on this one… Artist: Jasper Johns
Year: 1959
Year of Sale: 2006
Sale Price: $80 million
Currency Adjusted: $85.6 million.

Painting 6

Les Noces de Pierrette by Pablo Picasso

Picasso's Les Noces de Pierrette is among the artist's blue period, including some of his most famous works. At the time, Picasso was facing poverty and the loss of a close friend who had recently committed suicide. It was works like this that would prove cathartic for the artist- and lead him to wealth later in life. Artist: Pablo Picasso
Year: 1905
Year of Sale: 1989
Sale Price: $49.3 million
Currency Adjusted: $85.7 million .

Painting 7

Triptych by Francis Bacon

As one of the premier artists of the surrealist period, Irish painter Francis Bacon explored the tri-panel format of painting called the Triptych. His work of the same name is the most recent sale on this list, going for $86.3 million. Artist: Francis Bacon
Year: 1976
Year of Sale: 2008
Sale Price: $86.3 million
Currency Adjusted: $86.3 million.

Painting 8

Portrait de l'artiste sans barbe by Vincent Van Gogh

Van Gogh's beardless self-portrait shows the artist hiding something– namely a nasty, Absinthe-fueled shaving accident. In the year of this portrait, Van Gogh cut off part of his ear amidst a bout of severe depression that would later lead to his suicide. Artist: Vincent Van Gogh
Year: 1889
Year of Sale: 1998
Sale Price: $71.5 million
Currency Adjusted: $94.6 million.

Painting 9

Dora Maar au Chat by Pablo Picasso

One of Picasso's greatest works was a portrait of his then-mistress Dora Maar. Miss Maar was 29-years-old at the time, 26 years younger than Picasso. The subject was seated with a black cat perched on her shoulder. Artist: Pablo Picasso
Year: 1941
Year of Sale: 2006
Sale Price: $95.2 million
Currency Adjusted: $101.8 million.

Painting 10

Irises by Vincent Van Gogh

Van Gogh's second landscape on this list is named simply Irises, showing at first glance a rather sunny world that was much in contrast to the artist's disposition. Artist: Vincent Van Gogh
Year: 1889
Year of Sale: 1987
Sale Price: $53.9 million
Currency Adjusted: $102.3 million.

Painting 11

Garçon à la pipe by Pablo Picasso

The "boy at the pipe" is Picasso's most highly priced painting on this list, having sold for $104.2 million in 2004 (currency adjusted to $118.9 million). The boy in the painting was among the community of entertainers living in the Montmartre section of Paris, many of which were the subjects of Picasso's red period. Artist: Pablo Picasso
Year: 1905
Year of Sale: 2004
Sale Price: $104.2 million
Currency Adjusted: $118.9 million.

Paining 12

Bal au moulin de la Galette, Montmartre by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Renoir's sole entry in the top 15 most expensive paintings is his work Bal au moulin de la Galette. This painting was sold in 1990 to Ryoei Saito, the chairman of a Japanese paper company and a collector of fine art. Artist: Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Year: 1876
Year of Sale: 1990
Sale Price: $78.1 million
Currency Adjusted: $128.8 million

Painting 13

Portrait of Dr. Gachet by Vincent Van Gogh

This and the last painting were at one point the two most expensive paintings in the world, sold together to Ryoei Saito in 1990. This would become Van Gogh's most expensive painting to date, selling for an impressive $82.5 million ($136.1 million today). Artist: Vincent Van Gogh
Year: 1890
Year of Sale: 1990
Sale Price: $82.5 million
Currency Adjusted: $136.1 million.

Painting 14

Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I by Gustav Klimt

Once the world's most expensive painting, Gustav Klimt's portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer took three years to create in oil and gold. The painting was commissioned by a Swiss sugar magnate, a fan of Klimt and the husband of the painting's subject Artist: Gustav Klimt
Year: 1907
Year of Sale: 2006
Sale Price: $135 million
Currency Adjusted: $144.4 million.

Painting 15

Woman III by Willem de Kooning

This, the second most-expensive painting in the world was among the collection sold by David Geffen in 2006. Woman III by Willem de Kooning was among six painted by the artist between 1951 and 1953, with this version ending up at the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art– where it would be later hid from the public due to its inadherence to the government's rules of morality. Artist: Willem de Kooning
Year: 1953
Year of Sale: 2006
Sale Price: $137.5 million
Currency Adjusted: $147 million.

Another work of Art

No. 5, 1948 by Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollock's 1948 painting entitled No. 5 1948 was arguably his greatest masterwork, the most vivid expression of the painter's unique style. When it was sold by David Geffen in 2006, it became the world's most expensive painting in history at a price-adjusted $149.70 million dollars. Artist: Jackson Pollock
Year: 1948
Year of Sale: 2006
Sale Price: $140 million
Currency Adjusted: $149.70 million .

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